Death is NOT Funny — and Other Jokes

At the legendary Woodstock Music & Art Festival in 1969, a 17-year-old died in his sleeping bag when he was run over by a tractor. The youth pastor at my family’s church found that hilarious. He apologized  — but still insisted it was funny.

Yes, it was.

Sometimes, even death can give us a giggle or two. I firmly believe in confronting our societal discomfort with any mention of death through frank discussion of our shared inevitable fate. And, yes, humor, can help in dealing with a difficult situation — even death.

It’s in that spirit that I share a few cartoons about death with you today.


I’ll leave the last word on today’s subject to the Austin Lounge Lizards and their appropriately titled song, “Last Words.”



About bullersbackporch

I am a native Austinite, a high-tech Luddite, lover of music, movies and stories and a born trainer-explainer.
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